Lux New Zealand
The Lux Philosophy focuses on bringing you and your family a bright, clean, fresh environment not just now but for life.

We do not believe in a disposable world.
Household appliances should not be products that only last for a short period of time only to end up in landfill.
Lux products are designed to last and with our back up of spare parts and after sales service we can keep our products functioning in optimal condition for many years.
Lux has over 100 years of history internationally and over 80 years in New Zealand. New Lux products are not only designed to last but are also fully recyclable so that once their life is finally complete they can be broken down and used for other purposes.
Lux products are also designed for lower energy consumption. Electricity is a precious and costly resource and Lux products aim to create the most energy efficient products possible.

Our interest is not just in the families of today but in the families of future generations. We aim to ensure they are able to lead a worthwhile life in a clean environment.
This is why, ever since 1992, environmental protection has been firmly entrenched as one of the corporate goals and guiding principles of the Vorwerk Group. As we have a real sense of responsibility for the environment, our involvement has extended well beyond the statutory requirements for many years now. The best proof of this commitment would be our regularly updated Environmental Declaration. Both the products themselves and the way they are manufactured adhere to the underlying principles of this environmental policy.